Finance Options for Business Cashflow

This month in our Business Lending series, we will focus on our capability around providing cashflow assistance for small business clients. 

What difference would $50k mean for your business? 

If you could access funds to invest into your business tomorrow, what would you use them for? 

Could you? 

  1. Manage seasonal business demands
  2. Cover late payments, or 
  3. Purchase bulk stock upfront,  

We could help your business take the guess work out of cash flow management with a Business Line of Credit.  

How much? 

You may have revolving access to cash of between $2K and $150K, and you would only pay interest on the used funds.  

How to apply? 

We can help if you have: 

  • a minimum 6+ months trading history (for most industries)  
  • a monthly turnover of $6K or greater 
  • an active ABN and valid driver’s licence and; 
  • a good credit history  

Turnaround time? 

Get a quick decision and funding possible in just 24 hours of approval. 

Case Study: 

A Professional Services customer needed funds to cover cash flow gaps between invoices, and to expand her business.  She came to us for a solution as she needed the funds urgently. 

Our Lender approved a Line of Credit facility for $25,000 within 12 hours.  

Let us help you focus on what you love about your business, without worrying about the daily finances. 

Please contact us to discuss any opportunities.